Thursday, September 4, 2008

My Summer!

This summer was really amazing. I did so many things. I went to Seaside, Oregon for 9 days with my family. It was really fun. We went to the Cannon Beach really early in the morning and went crabbing with sticks in the tide pools. It was really fun, not many people do it this way anymore. We also went swimming in the ocean and hung out at the beach a lot. We went into town and went shopping in all the little stores. At Seaside Beach there was a beach volleyball tournament that we watched, it was amazing how many people were there and how good they were.
I also did the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. That was a lot of fun as well. When we first got there we went into Quest Field and registered. Then we went down on the field and they had little boths set up all over and they gave out free stuff and gave us breakfast. After that we went outside and walked 3 miles on the Viaduct. There were so many people there suporting The Breast Cancer Foundation. There were a lot of breast cancer survivors there as well. It was really cool to see how many people have survived it. I also did many other things this summer like hang out with friends, have "Wii wars", go to the lake, etc. So this was my summer. :-)


Caryn Kirk said...

Carlee, it's nice to see that you're using your blog personally as well as for school! (By the way, "Caryn" is Mrs. Kirk :))

z's blog said...

Hey like ur summer sounds fun, even though i usually knew what u were up 2 bc we talked so much...... haha we did talk a lot now that i think of it