Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I learned a lot this last week about Taoism and the beliefs that Taoists have. There are some things I agree with and some things I disagree with. Some of the things I like/ agree with in Taoism the the lack of stress and peace. I don't think people should just go out and get into a fight just because they feel like it or because someone made them mad; its not right. One of the things I don't like/ disagree with in Taoism is the concept of the Yin Yang. I believe as a Christian that there is a distinct line between good and evil. The Yin Yang shows that good and evil mix with each other. There is a little bit of good in evil and a little bit of evil in good. Isaiah 5:20 says, "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter." This shows the concept of the mixing of the good and evil in the yin yang does not fit with the Christian view.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


In reading the first book of the Koran I found many things in common between Christianity/the Bible and Islam/theKoran as well as many things that challenged me. For instance many of the stories are similar. Although many things are somewhat similar it is a very hard book to understand and it jumps around quite a bit. It is also based on what one man who had no witnesses said he got from a vision from "God" that he memorized whereas the Bible has many witnesses and is easy to understand. Another thing that challenged me was that Allah doesn't love everyone. Anyone who doens't believe in him is an ememy of Allah. On the other hand we have God who loves believers and nonbelievers and wants everyone to come to Him. Allah has apparently already decided our fate. I learned a lot from reading the Koran and I think it was beneficial to read and get a better understanding of another religion so that we will be more prepared if we have to defend our faith to someone of the Islam religion.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Camelot was a pretty good movie. I actually like musicals so it was a pretty good movie once you get past the oldness of it. Some of the universals I found in the movie are: King Arthur is the hero, Lancelot is the sidekick, Guenevere is the madden. Christian themes are forgiveness is important, Love is unconditional, humans are far from perfect, sin is inevitable. Guen's secret love with Lance represents sin. Even thought Guen has a relationship with Lance and is in love with him Arthur still loves Guen and wants to have a relationship with her just like God wants to have a relationship with us even though we reject Him and love other things and other people. Even though Lance stole Guen's heart like the devil or other idols in our lives try to steal our heart Arthur still has hope that she will come back. This movie has many universals and themes that go along with the Bible/Christianity.