Monday, December 13, 2010

Explain 3 problems with a naturalistic explaination for life.

The bacterial flagellum proves intelligent disign without a doubt because it is extremely intricate. It has many complex parts to it that cannot be explained by naturalism. There is no way that those parts came from premodial goop. They work in a specific order and if one thing goes wrong it all goes down the drain. Do you really think that just appeared or evolved from some goop in the middle of no where? It's not possible.
DNA is another major issue with naturalism. The complex parts of DNA could not have come from anything other than intelligent desisgn. It controls the organism its in and determins the many traits of the body. No one looks exactly alike. What's the likelyhood that something that evolved would not have a fingerprint that matched another or that not one tongue would be exactly the same? Its impossible. If there is one genetic mutation the whole thing goes down hill. Everything has a purpose and was created.
Okay, the most obvious of these is Mt. Rushmore. There is no way in heck that those were formed by the wind and rain over time. They were created. They are faces. It is something we can recognize. Just like every other thing in this world, it was created. Someone spent their time created it because thats what they were passionate. The likelyhood that those came from nowhere is like someone putting all the scabble letters in a bad dumping them out and it spelling out the simple line from Shakespear's "Hamlet" - "to be or not to be; that is the question". Its practically impossible.

UTT blog #3

Two parts for you to deal with. Mark tells you that ethics should be based on economics. Justify this, from a marxist perspective, in other words,"the ends justifing the means." Then, from a christian perspective, why can't this be true or right? If you can think of a real life example of this, great, bonus points.

A lot of times the ends DOES justify the means... example, World War II. tons of people died, we bombed Hiroshima BUT if we hadn't done that Russia would have taken over Japan with China's help and they would be a communist country... THEN they would have attacked us and we would also most likely be a communist country...

An example of when is doesn't is like getting a good grade on a test... but you cheated your way there... that end does NOT justify the means. Therefore, I think that statement is somewhat loaded. It depends on the situation.

UTT blog #2

Why can't Karma be the universal standard of right and wrong? Watch the video and explain to Nathan, what's wrong with Karma?

Karma cannot be the universal standard of right and wrong because....
Yes, things that we do effect future things, like if you murder someone you will go to prison. But the issue with Karma is that everything we mentally do does NOT effect the future necessarily. I mean come on do you really think if i step on a spider that a boulder is going to fall on me? Karma is wrong. It is not true. We see this in everyday situations where we do things that have no effect on the future.

UTT blog #1

How would you respond to the suggestion that there are no absolute moral standards that apply to everyone?

First off, the definition of moral absolutes is the belief that an absolute ethical standard exists for all individuals regardless or era or culture; also known as the eternal moral order.
If you say there are no absolutes... is that an absolute? FAIL. You just tried to prove there are not absolutes with your own absolute.
If there are no moral absolutes then is it okay to murder someone? I'm sure if you ask anyone that they will say no its not okay. Unless of course they have major issues.... So my conclusion is that there is definitely a moral standard whether people want to believe it or not...

Friday, November 5, 2010

Positive Propaganda Project

For my project I am going to write encouraging and positive things on sticky notes and put them on all the cars at church on Sunday. :)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Myers-Briggs Personality Test

I am 33% extraverted, 25% Sensing, 56% thinking, and 33% judging. This is what I found out about my personality type:

Supervisors are highly social and community-minded, with many rising to positions of responsibility in their school, church, industry, or civic groups. Supervisors are generous with their time and energy, and very often belong to a variety of service clubs, lodges, and associations, supporting them through steady attendance, but also taking an outspoken leadership role. Supervisors like to take charge of groups and are comfortable issuing orders. They are cooperative with their own superiors, and they would like cooperation from the people working under them. Rank, they believe, has its obligations, but it also has its privileges.

Comprising at least ten percent of the population, Supervisors enjoy and are good at making schedules, agendas, inventories, and so on, and they much prefer tried and true ways of doing things over speculation and experimentation. Supervisors keep their feet firmly on the ground and would like those under their supervision to do the same, whether employee, subordinate, spouse, or offspring. Supervisors have no problem evaluating others and tend to judge how a person is doing in terms of his or her compliance with, and respect for, schedules and procedures.

Supervisors are unbelievably hard-working. Even as children they are industrious, and they usually respect their parents as authority figures. In school Supervisors are often model students, dutifully following directions, doing all their homework, doing it thoroughly, and on time. Above all else, they wish to do what they are supposed to do, and they rarely question the teacher's assignments, method of instruction, standards, or authority. And their industry and perseverance only become more important to them as they grow into adulthood and take on the responsibilities of job and family.

Supervisors approach human relations along traditional lines. Marriage and parenthood are sacred to them, and they tend to have a large circle of friends, with many friendships faithfully maintained over the years. Social gatherings and ceremonies have great meaning for them, and they look forward to holiday parties, club dances, weddings, class reunions, awards banquets, and the like. In social situations, Supervisors are friendly and talk easily with others. Though they can seem a bit formal in their manners, Supervisors are pretty easy to get to know. At ease in polite company, they tend not to confuse people by sending double messages or putting on airs-what they seem to be, they are.

For the most part I agree with this description. But while looking at jobs that go with my personality type they were completely opposite of what I want to do and is my dream to do and always has been.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Research Paper 1st 2 Paragraphs

There are many things that have split Christians and denominations over the years because they are so controversial. More specifically, the idea of free will versus predestination. As defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary predestination is "the doctrine that God in consequence of the foreknowledge of all events infallibly guides those who are destined for salvation." Also defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary, free will is the "freedom of humans to make choices that are not determined by prior cause or by divine intervention. Romans 8:28 gives a valid argument that we are predestined. "For those God foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers." Whereas, Romans 1:10, "In my prayers at all times; and I pray that now at last by God's will the way may be opened for me to come to you" talks about will.

This topic of free will versus predestination has been a hot topic in many theological conversations for many years. Did God did humans free will? Are humans predestined by God to either salvation or damnation? If we are predestined to either Heaven or Hell, is Hell fair? Does predestination make God mean? Why doesn't God save everyone" These are just some of the questions people have been arguing and pondering about for a long time. Do they all have a clear answer? Do any of them? Lastly, why wouldn't God make it absolutely clear in the Bible that we were either predestined or given free will?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Test Blog...

This summer I had an opportunity to go to Japan with my handbell choir. One day we took a boat over to an island and this is at the Buddist temple. The second picture is of my best friends and me. We hung out pretty much every day this entire summer and I don't know what I would do without them. :)