Monday, December 13, 2010

Explain 3 problems with a naturalistic explaination for life.

The bacterial flagellum proves intelligent disign without a doubt because it is extremely intricate. It has many complex parts to it that cannot be explained by naturalism. There is no way that those parts came from premodial goop. They work in a specific order and if one thing goes wrong it all goes down the drain. Do you really think that just appeared or evolved from some goop in the middle of no where? It's not possible.
DNA is another major issue with naturalism. The complex parts of DNA could not have come from anything other than intelligent desisgn. It controls the organism its in and determins the many traits of the body. No one looks exactly alike. What's the likelyhood that something that evolved would not have a fingerprint that matched another or that not one tongue would be exactly the same? Its impossible. If there is one genetic mutation the whole thing goes down hill. Everything has a purpose and was created.
Okay, the most obvious of these is Mt. Rushmore. There is no way in heck that those were formed by the wind and rain over time. They were created. They are faces. It is something we can recognize. Just like every other thing in this world, it was created. Someone spent their time created it because thats what they were passionate. The likelyhood that those came from nowhere is like someone putting all the scabble letters in a bad dumping them out and it spelling out the simple line from Shakespear's "Hamlet" - "to be or not to be; that is the question". Its practically impossible.

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