Sunday, February 13, 2011


What is the Christian view of femininity or how should Christian respond to feminism? You choose which one to answer.

Christians should respond to feminism with Biblical backup. In Genesis, God creates the male and female roles. He created females as the helper, completer, rescuer, and warrior. He creates the male as the "little king". God does not create these roles in order to make one sex inferior to the other. In fact, He creates these roles so each has there own role to fulfil. Man is the leader and feminism is attempting to make women equal and sometimes even higher than man when that is not how God created things to be. He made it very clear that man and woman were each to fulfil their own roles. A christian must respond to feminism with the God given roles in Genesis. Feminsism is attempting to put females in roles they can't and shouldn't fulfil. God made roles for a reason. There are certain things that males can't do that females can and vice versa. Feminism is simply wrong. God's roles don't make one sex more inferior than the other it simply separates different responsibilities so that we can further society for the better instead of all trying to have the same responibilities.

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