Friday, March 25, 2011

Global Secular Government

What do you think the ramifications of a global secular government would be?

A muslim country could not have a democratic government. It just wouldn't work. With a secular government there would definitely be a clash of religions and cultures. There is a reason we have many different types of government throughout the world. With a global secular government there would be no religion. You can't just get rid of religion. They also want to get rid of country boundries so their would be world peace but this wouldn't work. There would just be a bunch of civil wars. We already have a bunch of civil wars throughout the world. For example, Lybia.
All of these countries are in a current civil war:

1.Sudan Northern Muslim dominated government v. Southern Xn and animists
2.Congo Connected to Burundi civil war; ethnic clashes.
3.Uganda Rebels: Joseph Kony, of the The Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), Uganda Rebels
4.Russia Rebels: Chechnya's nationalist movement.
5.Nepal Rebels: Maoist "People's War" group
6.Somolia Four main warlords compete for control; there is no one legitimate government.
7.Colombia Rebels: FARC, ELN (the war is 35 years old and rebels hold substantial parts of the nation's territory).
8.Indonesia (Aceh province)
9.India (Jammu-Kashmir)
10.Burundi Rebels: "Force For Defense of Democracy" (Hutu Rebels) -- 11 year old war.

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