Friday, March 25, 2011

Global Secular Government

What do you think the ramifications of a global secular government would be?

A muslim country could not have a democratic government. It just wouldn't work. With a secular government there would definitely be a clash of religions and cultures. There is a reason we have many different types of government throughout the world. With a global secular government there would be no religion. You can't just get rid of religion. They also want to get rid of country boundries so their would be world peace but this wouldn't work. There would just be a bunch of civil wars. We already have a bunch of civil wars throughout the world. For example, Lybia.
All of these countries are in a current civil war:

1.Sudan Northern Muslim dominated government v. Southern Xn and animists
2.Congo Connected to Burundi civil war; ethnic clashes.
3.Uganda Rebels: Joseph Kony, of the The Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), Uganda Rebels
4.Russia Rebels: Chechnya's nationalist movement.
5.Nepal Rebels: Maoist "People's War" group
6.Somolia Four main warlords compete for control; there is no one legitimate government.
7.Colombia Rebels: FARC, ELN (the war is 35 years old and rebels hold substantial parts of the nation's territory).
8.Indonesia (Aceh province)
9.India (Jammu-Kashmir)
10.Burundi Rebels: "Force For Defense of Democracy" (Hutu Rebels) -- 11 year old war.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Teenagers who become mothers have grim prospects for the future. They are much more likely to leave of school; receive inadequate prenatal care; rely on public assistance to raise a child; develop health problems; or end up divorced.

There are so many options for teenagers who become mothers. It is not a proven fact that teenagers who become mothers have grim prospects for their futures. There are alternative schools they can go to. Just because they are a teenage mother doesn't mean that they will receive inadequate prenatal care because that is generalizing that all teenage girls that get pregnant are poor or don't have insurance. Again, saying that they will rely on public assistance to raise a child also generalizes that all teenage girls that get pregnant are poor. If teenage girls that are pregnant develop health problems then wouldn't all pregnant women develop health problems. Also, having children as a teenage doesn't mean you are going to get divorced. I think that if teenagers get married because they got pregnant then maybe they will have a greater risk or getting divorced but maybe they should have thought of that before they went and had sex. Also, just because they got pregnant as a teenager doesn't necessarily mean they are going to get married.

Monday, March 14, 2011
then read Deuteronomy 10:12-19, Jeremiah 22:3, Micah 6:8, and James 1:27. What is the difference between how the word "equality" and "justice" are used? How should we as Christians "do justice'?

Justice and equality are very widely used terms in critical legal studies. According to the law, unless you are convicted of a crime we are all seen as equal. Essentially, you have to prove that you are not equal to everyone else. Justice is used in the sence of being fair or giving someone justice. If you commit a crime then you will be punished accordingly. You will not recieve a fair punishment according to whatever you do. Having equality and justice are extrememly important aspects of a thriving and fully functional society. Without these our society would fall apart.

As Christians we are called to "do justice" in multiple different ways. We are called to act justly and not to treat anyone with disrespect. God requires us to act justly. Also, if we are all created in his image then aren't we all equal already? So, shouldn't we treat everyone equally?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Law 3

There is much debate today about Shari'a law. What are the differences between the Islamic view and approach to law and the Christian view and approach to law? Due March 4th midnight.

Christian's follow God's law because we know that He cares about us and wants the best for us. He would never do anything to harm us and always has our best interest in mind. We are guaranteed our salvation. Whereas, Muslim's follow Shari'a law in the hopes that they will please Allah, a selfish, cruel, and unknowable god. Allah does not care about them or want the best for them. He tells them to kill themselves so they can possibly get salvation and he obviously does not have their best interest in mind. They follow Shari'a law in hopes that they could get the salvation they work for and possibly die for even when it's not guaranteed.

Law 2

Are legal standards limited to the determination and interpretation of each individual? Why or why not?

Because we are sinful people with a sin nature, if legal standards were limited to the determination and interpretation of each individual then those standards would inevitably be sinful. Furthermore, what exactly would be the point of legal standars if everyone could decide for themselves if it was right or wrong? The world would be in koas. Because we are inevitably going to sin if we had the option to decide what was right or wrong all the time then it was with out a doubt end up wrong. There would be nothing to base right or wrong off of. Espesically when it comes to God, we don't have the right to determine right or wrong. God clearly tells us what is right and wrong. On the other hand, when it comes to the world's laws we must check them against God's law to make sure it is correct but even then we still aren't determining right or wrong we are checking against the final most important law.


Sarah thinks that laws are created only by societies. Are governments the ultimate authority for creating laws?

God is the ultimate authority. God tells us that we are to obey the rule of government but we are also to check those rules against the Bible. We are to obey the rule of government/authority until it goes against what God says. Even Jesus obeyed government by paying taxes. He said to give to Caesar what is Caesar's. God is the ultimate authority but we are also to listen to the worlds laws. Because in all reality if you disobey they law you are actually disobeying God.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


What is the Christian view of femininity or how should Christian respond to feminism? You choose which one to answer.

Christians should respond to feminism with Biblical backup. In Genesis, God creates the male and female roles. He created females as the helper, completer, rescuer, and warrior. He creates the male as the "little king". God does not create these roles in order to make one sex inferior to the other. In fact, He creates these roles so each has there own role to fulfil. Man is the leader and feminism is attempting to make women equal and sometimes even higher than man when that is not how God created things to be. He made it very clear that man and woman were each to fulfil their own roles. A christian must respond to feminism with the God given roles in Genesis. Feminsism is attempting to put females in roles they can't and shouldn't fulfil. God made roles for a reason. There are certain things that males can't do that females can and vice versa. Feminism is simply wrong. God's roles don't make one sex more inferior than the other it simply separates different responsibilities so that we can further society for the better instead of all trying to have the same responibilities.