Monday, January 31, 2011

UTT sociology blog

Respond to this statement: It is in the states best interest to be more involved in parenting, even to the point of controlling what is taught in the home.

It is not in the states best interest to be more involved in parenting. ESPECIALLY to the point of controlling what is taught in the home. Since the state has started to control what parents can and cannot do society has started going down hill. They are trying to make it illegal to spank your kids and you can't disipline your children in public most of the time anymore. I was spanked while growing up, as were most of the people my age, and we all turned out just fine; maybe even better than most of the children these days. It is rediculous to let the state have any say in how people displine their children in the home or what they teach them. This countries constitution says we have freedom of speech and religion and when we start controlling what people teach their children in their own homes then you start to take those freedoms away.

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